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«She thought she wanted a comfortable place to write, but she never identified with the more gentrified Tuscan country life.» Digam-me lá se esta não é uma tradução rilhafolesca: «Ela pensou que desejava um lugar confortável para escrever, mas nunca se identificou com a vida do campo mais gentrificada da Toscânia.» Não tem, qual bola, por onde se pegue.

Gentrification (n.), gentrify (v.):
Both the verb (meaning “to restore to middle-class standards and purposes a deteriorated part of a city”) and the noun (the process of doing so) have achieved standard status, though only relatively recently. Each also has a pejorative generalized use meaning “to uplift or improve status of speech, dress, or other manners.” (in The American Heritage®)

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