
Tradução: «buffalo chips»

how to destroy the nuisance On the pampas of southern temperate America the prairies of northern temperate America and in sundry table lands to boot fuel of wood or coal is a very scarce commodity and the chief resource of travellers is called bosta in the south and buffalo chips in the north it is in short dry animal manure When in sufficient masses a pleasantcr or better fire never warmed an Irish cabin on the edge of a peat moss Here is an indication of one means of disposing of noxious matter not polluting thousands of gallons of water in a vain attempt to move matter from one wrong any of floated it will this oil shilling ticable instead The ask arc to answer

2 comentários:

Prof-Forma disse...

Perdoe se é grosseria: mas não seria melhor traduzir bosta por «bullshit»?

Helder Guégués disse...

Só quis experimentar o Google Notebook, e por isso a coisa saiu enigmática. O que pretendia era mostrar — a alguém, algures — a tradução de «buffalo chips».